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Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Role of the Government

Module: 8a-d

Prof. Dr. Galina Zudenkova

Dejan Dragutinovic


Documents: Moodle
Scope / Credits: 4 SWS / 7,5 Credits
Course type: Lecture and exercise
Language: English
Date and place:

Lecture:  08:30 - 10:00, Monday / SRG 1-2.028

Exercise: 12:15 - 13:45, Wednesday / Hörsaalgebäude II - HS 6


Lecture: October 7th, 2024

Exercise: October 9th, 2024

Exam: tba

Contents overview

This course focuses on the role of the government in the economy. The aim is to provide an understanding of the reasons for government intervention in the economy, analyzing the benefits of possible government policies, and theresponse of economic agents to the government's actions. The course covers social insurance programs, externalities, public goods, environmental protection, and theinteraction between different levels of government. 

Students learn theoretical and empirical tools for analyzing public finance questions. Students acquire knowledge on reasons for government intervention in the economy and effects of those interventions on economic outcomes. The course should prove useful for any student interested in analysis of redistribution, public good provision and taxation.