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Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Seminar Media Economics

Module:  11

Prof. Galina Zudenkova, Ph.D.

M.Sc. Dejan Dragutinovic

Documents: Moodle
Scope / Credits: 4 SWS / 5 Credits + 2 Credits (Academic writing)
Course type: Seminar
Exam: Term paper and presentation
Language: English (Both seminar and academic writing)
Application: Online
Date and place: Fridays 10:00 / Mathematik M127  (seminar)
Fridays 12:00 / Mathematik M127 (academic writing)
Beginning: April 25th, 2025

Contents overview

Goals and Contents

We discuss the role that mass media (both traditional media such as print media, broadcasting, radio, and new media such as internet, social media, instant messaging) plays in policy determination. This topic is attracting increasing attention from economists. We will analyze the recent theoretical, empirical and experimental work on the topic.

Expected Competences acquired after completion of the module

Graduates will be able to formulate and defend their position and approach to problem solving; they will be able to exchange information, ideas, and solutions on the topic. 

Requirements for the assignment of Credits and Grades

Students are responsible for one presentation. Students will also have to write a report (5-6 pages) evaluating the paper they have presented and suggesting extensions as well as further applications. Grades will be based on the seminar presentations and the report: Seminar presentation (50% of the grade) + report (50% of the grade).